Connect With Your Local Benefits Specialist
We can help you determine your EEOICPA benefit eligibility, establish your next steps, connect you to resources to help you file your claim, & help you get the most out of your white card benefits.
“As a Portsmouth native, I’ve always had a calling for helping people. With my Master’s Degree in Social Work, patient advocacy has always been something I put first in my career in healthcare. Living in a small rural community, many of my friends and community members have worked at DOE sites such as the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant. I am thrilled to be joining Nuclear Care Partners’ mission to help our community’s former atomic workers with their EEOICPA white card benefits!”
Ashley Oesch, Local Benefits Specialist
We host a variety of educational and social events.
Get answers to your EEOICPA benefits questions, get plugged into EEOICPA benefits and health resources, and connect with other former atomic workers in Ohio.
Ohio Branch Office
Major Facilities Served in the Area:
Mound Site | Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant | General Electric | Fernald Site